Promotion Mix: Advertising In Visual Media Five Things To Remember

You are looking for an effective and out of the box marketing strategy for your product/service in terms of promotion mix than
you got to the right spot. I have collected some really insightful points that
would help you to create interest of your target market into your product
through your visual media campaign.
Five things to remember
Like in great stories we exaggerate Hero’s, their feats and accomplishments and create a picture that is more appealing and inspiring likewise when it comes to your advertising on visual media exaggerate the Hero’s (product/service), its features and specifications in a way that interest and inspires its audience.
Most of you guys might have seen the “A day
made of glass” a series of videos made by Corning Gorilla glass what actually
they have done in their advertising is exaggerating Corning glass brand in
terms of features and specifications that don’t exist but the great script of
video makes a video (story) so appealing and inspiring that people have watched
it over and over plus they believe corning is going to bring smart glass
gadgets very soon.
But honestly that is quite too stretched considering the level of technology we have today though I admit that there has been some developments in smart phones made purely of glass in Taiwan but comparing that to the video series makes it look very primitive. What corning accomplished from that is they have perfectly anchored their brand into market, everybody knows it and everybody wants or prefers Corning glass on their smart devices.
But honestly that is quite too stretched considering the level of technology we have today though I admit that there has been some developments in smart phones made purely of glass in Taiwan but comparing that to the video series makes it look very primitive. What corning accomplished from that is they have perfectly anchored their brand into market, everybody knows it and everybody wants or prefers Corning glass on their smart devices.
This shouldn’t be limited to just your device but include all those elements in your advertisement like the guys who are going to be part of your advertising should have outfits (dresses and other related paraphernalia) be relevant to the current trends. This will anchor in your market mind that “this is what you need today’s world, this is what everybody loves to have”.
These linking’s would create an overall picture where your product/service would give a strong feeling and sense of being “Today’s World need”. So you need to anchor your product/service not only on the basis of exaggeration in its core features/specifications but also on the basis of all other elements that are part of your advertisement.
Lastly imagine how would Justin Bieber fan’s act towards you, if you instead of making a great track/album begin to verbally attack him. If you want to win over the fans of Justin Bieber or anyone for that matter you need some great tracks, a great album.
5. Avoid the Jinn effect.
That’s my way of making a successful commercial or devising
successful advertising campaign in visual media; I hope applying these key guidelines would
refine your promotion mix in terms of visual media and would add much more
value to your overall marketing.
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TAGS Ads Making Advertising Marketing Mass Media Marketing Promotion Mix Visual Media
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