A Strategy To Create/Develop Emotional Aspect Of Your Product

You are devising marketing strategy based on traditional marketing mix where emphasis is on several P’s rather four P’s and that's it. The whole strategy revolves around that aspect but if your product lacks the emotional aspect in its design, in its core function, in its promotion campaign then such product will not be able to satisfy any customer. Neither would anyone think about buying it.

As according to a leading neuroscientist and social thinker Antonio Damisio research, people are unable to yake any decision at all when their decision lacks emotions, even if they are rational. Now imagine what if your reasonable and right product doesn’t appeal to any strong emotions how would then people make any decisions about it.

So for your product to be considered by your target market your product must deliver a certain emotional aspect that will induce, tempt its target market to buy that product or at least consider it in their decision making process.

Now the question is how to create/develop emotional aspect of a product. Well this is not such a hard thing to do; all you got to do is to follow the following steps for developing the much needed aspect.

Product emotional aspect development steps

  • Identify & categorize your product prime target market in terms of age

Like does your product relates more to kids and teens or just teens. Or does it relate to adults or old age or all of them or just the later three. Once you identify which part of market in terms of age your product has as its prime target then you would be able to add relevant emotional aspect to your product.

As we know certain emotions relates and are dominant in one age group than other and by identifying the age group of your target market you would be able to identify the key emotions that are dominant and relates to that particular group.

  • Emotion selection benchmark

You need to set a reasonable benchmark to consider an emotion to be added to your product emotional aspect. Emotional benchmarking helps you to skip on emotions that may not be that much important to your target market hence it may not add significant emotional value to your product.

There are various ways to set emotion selection benchmarks that demands considerable amount of time and research on part of marketers. But for the sake of understanding let's consider for instance one indicator or benchmark for selecting a specific emotion out of many would be number of people who relate to or suggests a particular emotion in terms of your product or similar product.

Like for instance if 80% of your market sample relates to a particular emotion (by conducting qualitative research, survey, interviews etc) then that should be your emotion to work on so to make it part of your product emotional aspect.

  • Identify your prime target market emotional relation with similar competitive products

Well this is obvious, your competitors especially market leader create the overall market environment that not only contributes to the emotions of your target market but also makes your product insignificant emotionally as they have already those “purchase driving emotions” on their side.

For instance people relate Coca Cola to happiness, joy, jubilation so on and so forth now how would you differentiate on basis of those emotional aspects as Coca Cola already rests on those emotions.

That is why we see Mountain Dew by Pepsi using other emotions to add emotional aspect to their product like thrill, excitement etc and all these emotions relate to different age group too. Happiness, joy relates to all ages that is why we see everyone in Coca Cola visual promotion while in Mountain Dew case it is all about adults and teens.

So you need to do target market research and need to identify what emotions they relate to your competitor products. This identification would help you in identifying counter emotions that would help you to differentiate your offering from your competitors. But again appealing to similar emotions as that of your competitors in more unique and interesting way would work too.

But it is better to have different set emotions representing your product than that of your competitors.

  • Identifying the distinctive emotion for emotional competitive edge

Now let’s move to the next part of your research that is to identify the emotion or emotions that your target market would love to relate to your competitor products or they think should be part of the emotional aspect of your competitor offering. This would help you to identify the emotion/emotions with which you can differentiate your product in terms of emotional aspect from your competitors.

I hope this insight would help you to understand the importance of emotional aspect of product but also help you to a good extent in developing marketing strategy for your product.

About Publisher Arshad Amin

Certified SEO Professional, Small Business, Start-up, Marketing Expert with ton's of practical, actionable ideas, insights to share, Proud Founder and Owner of www.easymarketinga2z.com and www.topexpertsa2z.com

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